Anza-Borrego Desert: Fish Creek mountain north mile 3.5

Rating *****
Length 5 mile (round trip) - 3 hour, Moderate (rocks/boulders).
Elevation 83 - 520 feet
Access 4x4 see below

A rocky hike up to a magnificent dry fall.
Very little sand on this hike, mostly rocks and boulders.

Avoid this area in the weekends, south of the rail road is used as a firing range. Be visible when entering and exiting the canyon.

How to get here:

Drive Split mountain road past the Fish Creek exit, turn left on a park dirt road parallel to a rail road track.
Follow the road for about 3.5 mile and park at point "park".
The road is good, some ground clearance is needed and because of the soft sand a 4x4 is advised.

Load the hike in: GPX or KML (Google Earth file) Tip: use the right mouse key and select save.

Click on the button "Photo markers" to show pictures, or in the right upper corner to show full screen.

Our plant list

Missing the film above or to watch full screen, use this link.Railroad, Desert sand verbena, Abronia villosa villosa (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Hoffmannseggia, Hoffmannseggia microphylla (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Hoffmannseggia, Hoffmannseggia microphylla (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Sweetbush, Bebbia juncea aspera (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Creosote bush, Larrea tridentata (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Emory's rockdaisy, Perityle emoryi (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Brittle Spineflower, Chorizanthe brevicornu brevicornu (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Sand blazing star, Mentzelia involucrata (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Parish's poppy, Eschscholzia parishii (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎Ghost flower, Mohavea confertiflora (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Hoffmannseggia, Hoffmannseggia microphylla (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Heart leaf suncup, Chylismia cardiophylla cardiophylla (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Emory's rockdaisy, Perityle emoryi (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Narrowleaf suncup, Eremothera refracta (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Narrowleaf suncup, Eremothera refracta (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎Specter phacelia, Phacelia pedicellata (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Specter phacelia, Phacelia pedicellata (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Specter phacelia, Phacelia pedicellata (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Prickly poppy, Argemone munita (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Prickly poppy, Argemone munita (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Prickly poppy, Argemone munita (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎Hairy climbing milkweed, Funastrum hirtellum (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Thick leaf ground cherry, Physalis crassifolia (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Heart leaf suncup, Chylismia cardiophylla cardiophylla (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Dry fall (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Steep part of the fall (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Prickly poppy, Argemone munita (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Prickly poppy, Argemone munita (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
California ditaxis, Ditaxis serrata var. californica (Mar/20/2017) 🌎California ditaxis, Ditaxis serrata var. californica (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
California ditaxis, Ditaxis serrata var. californica (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Brown turbans, Malperia tenuis (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Narrowleaf suncup, Eremothera refracta (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Desert chicory, Rafinesquia neomexicana (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Slender threadplant, Nemacladus tenuis tenuis (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Slender threadplant, Nemacladus tenuis tenuis (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎Desert star, Monoptilon bellioides (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Broad leaf gilia, Aliciella latifolia latifolia (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Desert dandelion, Malacothrix glabrata (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Sand blazing star, Mentzelia involucrata (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Arizona lupine, Lupinus arizonicus (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Parish's poppy, Eschscholzia parishii (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Ghost flower, Mohavea confertiflora (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Emory's rockdaisy, Perityle emoryi (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Indigo bush, Psorothamnus schottii (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Catclaw acacia, Senegalia greggii (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Winged cryptantha, Cryptantha holoptera (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Winged cryptantha, Cryptantha holoptera (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Winged cryptantha, Cryptantha holoptera (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Rock hibiscus, Hibiscus denudatus (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Desert five spot, Eremalche rotundifolia (Mar/20/2017) 🌎 (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
(Mar/20/2017) 🌎Desert sand verbena, Abronia villosa villosa (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Paulsen's Russian thistle, Salsola paulsenii (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Bristly langloisia, Langloisia setosissima setosissima (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Emory's globemallow, Sphaeralcea emoryi emoryi (Mar/20/2017) 🌎Emory's globemallow, Sphaeralcea emoryi emoryi (Mar/20/2017) 🌎
Date: 2017/3/20

Disclaimer: Read this first before you start your hike. Contact: info/at/borregohiking/./com (leave out the /)
Hiking the Borrego Springs Area (Anza-Borrego Desert SP, Cuyamaca Rancho SP, Imperial Sand Dunes (Algodones Dunes), Jacumba, Laguna Mountain, Warner Springs) California, Hike with gps, gpx and kml (Google Earth).

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