Take the Poleline Road, exit Gas Domes trail. 4x4 only, soft sand.
Some interesting mud pools, with bubbles.
In 2002 a new bubbling pool showed up, just before the Gas Domes.
The gas domes area is fenced off, so this is a safe hike.
The Artesian well (drilled) is close by, there was no one around, so we decided to hike.
Going in terrain that is not well suited for off road driving we hiked over to the well, it's only a short 1 hour return hike.
In a perfect world you should be perfectly safe to hike over to the well.
But a lot disregard the regulations and signs and drive all over the place.
They may not expect any hikers and they most likely can't see you.
How to get here:
Take the Poleline Road, don't be deceived by the gravel road, this is a soft sand road, but OK for a high clearance street 4x4. Follow the marked road and take the marked exit Gas Domes.