5.3 mile, 3 hour 30 minutes (Return trip). Easy up to the ash layer, later Moderate.
1050 - 2280 feet
Second crossing, high clearance, or First crossing most cars.
A counter clockwise loop up Ash wash.
Hike cross country (East than North) up to the Ash wash, a rocky canyon with a narrow partially sandy wash.
The hike up to the ash layer is easy.
After that the boulders are more frequent, expect a lot of small boulders closer to the ridge.
Once on the ridge follow the ridge line down, from this point on the hike is easy once again.
Hike along a beautiful exposed sand canyon to the left, head into the wash whenever it's possible.
Ash wash is a local, unofficial name for a wash east of Second crossing.
In this wash there is an exposed layer of Bishop Tuff, ash from a ~760,000 year old Long Valley Caldera.
How to get here:
Drive up Coyote canyon, normally an higher clearance car should be able drive up to Second crossing.
There is a large parking just before Second crossing, next to the flood warning building.
With a regular car, it should be possible to drive close to First crossing, most of the time.
In case you park at First crossing, add about an hour to the hike.