A hike with great views from Marble and Pyramid Peak.
Start hiking up Palo Verde Wash, at point "Up" go up the ridge and follow a clear Indian trail.
Turn right (North) following the ridge that's at one point rather narrow and steep at both sides.
Just keep following the ridge up to the end.
Next keep on going North/East on the trail. At this point it's easy to loose the trail.
Head down into the upper part of the Palo Verde wash.
Cross the wash and head east up a trail (sandy spot). At this point try not to loose the trail, as it turns North up a ridge.
Head North/East, following the trail, that should be much more obvious at this point.
On the Saddle head South/East towards (not visible) Marble and Pyramid peak.
A short detour to Marble Peak to enjoy the view.
Now follow the trail from Marble Saddle towards Pyramid peak, staying on or close to the ridge.
The eroded trail follows a slope, don't descend too much.
Head over the ridge up to Pyramid peak.
Once on the peak continue on the ridge and gradually turn South/West up to the ridge on the right.
This short part, without any trail is a bit slippery, until reaching the ridge and a trail.
Follow the trail for a while and look for a another trail to the right.
Turn right over a branch of the ridge up to the other clearly visible trail.
Follow this trail up to the SmokeTree wash.
Once in the SmokeTree wash, look for the almost invisible trail on the right, that connects the SmokeTree wash with the Palo Verde Wash.
Back in the Palo Verde wash head back towards the car.
The starting point is NOT were the Palo Verde wash crosses the road.
Hiking clockwise seems to be the best option.
Indian trails = Native American trail.